Breeder’s excursion 2009

Well, finally a short entry about the annual breeder’s excursion. In July we went to Denmark for 5 days. The program:

  • First day: Visit to the farms of Sneumgaard Simmental, Klostergaarden Simmental , Katrinelund Simmental (with Östervang Thor as herd bull).
  • Second day: We spent the whole day at the Landsskuet in Herning with the national show. In the evening we have been invited to the official dinner. The quality of the Simmentals was amazing.
  • 3rd day: Visit to the perfomance testing station in Aalestrup and visit to the herds of Henning Hansen and Ove Kristiansen (with United and Campari as herd bulls)
  • 4th day: Visit to the Herd of Rosa and Anders Langkjaer and Aksel Harpoth. The afternoon we spent in Ribe, one of the oldest cities in Denmark.

Thanks a lot to Jens Jermiin Nielsen and Henning Hansen for planning our trip. And of course to all the breeders who show us their farms and animals!

You’ll find fotos at the site of the Styrian Simmental breeders:


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